UPDATE: The following statement was issued by Tim Hess and Kelly DeWitt:
Joint Statement of Timothy Hess and Kelly DeWitt re Complaint Against
Oshkosh Area School District Board Members
Date: Friday, January 31, 2025
The Oshkosh Area School District Board of Education has concluded an investigation into a
citizen complaint alleging that Board Members Timothy Hess and Kelly DeWitt violated Board
Policy as a result of their social media activities. The investigation was conducted by the Board
of Education’s legal counsel, who determined that evidence did not exist to support the claim
that a violation of Board Policy has occurred.
We believe the complaint filed by the citizen in question was nothing more than a partisan
attempt to cause division among the Board and censure views and opinions with which the
complainant disagrees. We are pleased that the Board’s investigation found the complaint to be
without merit.
As members of a democratic society, we are each constitutionally entitled to our own viewpoints
and opinions on issues that are important to us. Sometimes our views and opinions do not
perfectly align with those of others within our community. Fostering a community discussion of
district issues should not be viewed as to undermine the Board of Education, the District, or
District staff. It is the healthy discourse on views and opinions across the spectrum of political
ideology that makes us all stronger as a whole. We take the attempt to curtail our constitutionally
protected freedom of speech very seriously, and will resist with all our strength should it ever
resurface again.
We are committed to improving the educational welfare of all students within the Oshkosh Area
School District. We will continue to advocate on behalf of those students, as well as the entire
community, both as individuals and as Board Members.
Oshkosh School Board President Beth Wyman issued this subsequent statement:
OSHKOSH, Wis–Two members of the Oshkosh Area School Board accused of setting up fake Facebook pages are cleared of any wrongdoing. An investigation document released by the school district says there was “insufficient evidence” that the board members violated policy when they created separate Facebook pages under aliases to allegedly undermine the Board of Education and the school district.
Speaking on behalf of the accused Board members, Tim Hess and Kelly DeWitt, their attorneys acknowledged that the Facebook page with the alias “Mike Melter” belonged to Hess, and the Facebook page with the alias “Missy Green” belonged to DeWitt. The Facebook pages in question have since been deleted.
The investigation document said the Facebook pages provided information about school district issues and posted opinions on those issues. It also noted that the information on those Facebook pages didn’t appear to post any confidential information privy to only board members.
The investigation document said there is insufficient evidence that the rights of others were violated by limited content or that confidential information was posted. It also said board members’ use of the sites as outside activities would appear to be beyond the reach of the board policy.
The Oshkosh area School Board issued the following statement:
“The Board recently investigated potential policy violations by two board members regarding social media accounts used to undermine the Board of Education, the District and district staff. It was determined that insufficient evidence exists to find a violation of Board Policy.
Regardless of the determination, this is a serious concern and this behavior is not in line with our expectations of each other as elected officials. We believe that our community deserves both the facts and our collective commitment to ethical and professional leadership.
Speaking on behalf of Dr. Hess and Ms. DeWitt, their legal counsel acknowledged that the Facebook page with the alias “Mike Melter” belonged to Dr. Hess and the Facebook page with the alias “Missy Green” belonged to Ms. DeWitt. The alias pages have been deleted.
Our guiding principle as a district is unequivocally ‘Students First.’ The Board is deeply disappointed that board member behavior has diverted attention and efforts away from our core mission of education and the betterment of our district’s future. Any deviation from this focus diminishes the educational opportunities available to our children.