OSHKOSH, WI — The newest elementary school in the Oshkosh Area School District could be named in honor of the nearby Menominee Park and the Menominee Indian Community. The results of a community survey presented to the school board finds “Menominee” drawing the majority of the nearly 4600 votes cast. The new elementary school will be constructed on the site of the current Webster Stanley schools. Superintendent Dr. Bryan Davis says if the district decides to move forward with the name of Menominee, tribal leaders will be consulted first.
“Their process is starting with the Menominee Language and Culture Commission to just be able to get feedback on the school naming process,” Davis said. “And then ultimately the governing body, which is the tribal legislature, to approve the request. So, we certainly want to be good partners and stewards as we move forward.”
Other names under consideration are Webster Stanley, Poberezny and Jessie Jack Hooper. Board member Kristopher Karns supports adopting the name Menominee, though he hopes the new school would also offer some recognition for Webster Stanley, the first non-tribal resident of Oshkosh.
“Poberezny and Jessie Jack Hooper were acknowledged within Vel Phillips (Middle School) with a section. So there’s some acknowledgment there,” Karns said. “I hope we’re going to do something similar there to honor Webster Stanley’s name, in some regard, if we’re go that route. It’s something deserving.”
Board President Dr. Barbara Herzog believes adopting the Menominee name would fit in with the goals of Act 31, which creates a curriculum on American Treaty Rights for fourth-through-twelfth grade students.
“I believe the third grade students are resuming their visits to the museum to learn about native American culture, ” Herzog said. “This would allow us to expand what we’re going already in the district on meeting Act 31.”
A naming resolution is expected to go before the board of education when it meets again January 25th.