Often times on my show, I state my belief that I believe we are living in a “post-scandal” America. People seem to only be outraged by the ridiculousness of an elected official when they represent the other team. ‘As long as our guy/girl votes for the policies that I want to see, I don’t care what they do in there off time’.
Don’t get me wrong- I understand the logic, I’m just not sure that this is the best way for us to be behaving in the political realm.
We saw this philosophy play out in real time over the course of the last week and a half.
10 days ago, Founder of the Recombobulation Area, Dan Shafer, broke the news that Speaker Vos had taken a trip to Brazil back in September during the special session Governor Evers called to address workforce challenges.
We covered the story on this show for about 10 minutes and moved on, and the media at large mostly disregarded the reporting.
Fast-forward to the end of last week, and the story breaks that Governor Evers has a second email address, and the same media outlets that didn’t have much to say about the Speaker’s story suddenly found the nerve to be outraged.
I’m not here to imply that one of these stories is more or less egregious than the other, but what I am here to say is that it is on the media to tamper down this selective outrage when it comes to reporting on players from the red and blue team.
Dan joined me to break down the reporting in his story, why he felt the story didn’t seem to gain much traction in the media, and compared it to the reaction about Governor Evers story.
To listen to our conversation, click the player at the top of the article.
[Spreaker: Outside the Box][Recombobulation Area]