- Please fill out the form completely and be sure to proofread your details for accuracy and spelling
- By submitting your event below, if approved, your event will appear on ALL Woodward Community Media station’s Community Calendars (WHBY, The Score WI, 105.7 WAPL, Razor WI, 95.9 Kiss FM, 104.3 The Fuse)
- If your event has a poster, flyer, or another image you would like included, you may upload it in the form below. The image MUST BE jpeg or png.
DISCLAIMER: This Woodward Community Media station Community Calendar is intended for non-commercial use. Please allow five business days for your post to be listed. Woodward Radio Group retains the right to withhold any posting without notification. Radio announcements are not guaranteed for any posting. Please email any questions to communityevents@wcinet.com.