TOWN OF CLAYTON, WI — It takes nine fire departments nearly three-hours Wednesday to bring a barn fire under control in the Town of Clayton. The fire was reported at 12:20 PM The fire was reported at 12:20 PM along Oakwood Avenue. Clayton Fire and Rescue arrived to find the barn engulfed in flames. The blaze also spread to a nearby shed. Mutual assistance was request immediately. Fire crews managed to keep the flames from spreading and used nearly 30-thousand gallons of water before bring the fire under control around 3:30 PM. No animals or equipment were in the barn at the time of the fire, which is now under investigation.

A barn and shed sustain heavy damage at a Town of Clayton Farm on Oakwood Avenue
(WBAY-TV Photo)
Multiple departments bring Town of Clayton barn fire under control
Sep 28, 2022 | 8:06 PM